Sunday, July 26, 2009

I See in Color

After much fence-sitting, I’ve decided to start a blog. I had wanted to for awhile, but when I thought about it, all I could wonder was, what if no one wants to read my blog? What if no one cares what I have to say? While I’m sure there are very few people that will actually read my blog and even fewer who will care what I have to say, I’m writing one anyway. My focus is completely unfocused – this blog will contain rants, observations, and general thoughts, in addition to posts on my progress in achieving my goal (see below).

The name of my blog, if you're wondering, comes from my favorite book of all time: The Giver. If you’ve never read it, immediately step away from the computer, go straight to a bookstore and pick it up. I remember when I first spotted the cover at the Scholastic Book Fair at Sharon School in Robbinsville, NJ. I was in 6th grade. A teacher saw me eyeing it and recommended I read it. A few minutes and $7 later, I had in my hands what would be my favorite book. It was my first view of a dystopian society. I loved it. The society masqueraded as a Utopian society – safe and orderly (in my opinion, those are the worst kinds). It angered me, inspired me, frustrated me. How could people give up their humanity? How could they choose order over everything else – love, choice, color? Hence the name of my blog: Seeing in Color. It’s about seeing the beauty in life, no matter how imperfect.

For the past 2 years, I’ve worked in Manhattan and have schlepped 2 hours each way, every day. You can imagine that that cuts down on the time I have to do other things, but what it's really done is to make me realize I need to make sure I’m really living and making the most of the time I have. That’s my goal – to make a list of things I’ve always wanted to do, but never had the time; and MAKE time to do them.

Those of you who have worked with me or been around me during one of my organizing frenzies, you know I’m a list maker. Nothing makes me happier than making a to do list and crossing things off of it. I feel so productive, so empowered. I know it's weird. In college I used to write down every minute thing I had to do in order to give myself some motivation to do the bigger stuff. I swear, crossing off “take a shower” and “iron shirt” gave me such motivation that by the end of the day, I’d crossed off everything I’d written down: “write 15 page paper” “fill out FAFSA” “run a marathon”. Ok, so that last one is a lie, but it IS on my list!

So here is my Live Life List (subject to change):
  Take a photography class
  Become fluent (or close) in Italian
  Learn Sign Language
  Write a book
  Run a Marathon (see? I told you)
  Get an MBA
  Own something (anything) big, i.e. house, business, etc.
  Start a blog (one down!)

I won’t be writing everyday. But I will try to write when I have something fun or interesting to say. And I promise to try to keep private things and people just that - private. So, I hope you enjoy! If you don’t, at least take comfort in the fact that I enjoy writing to you! J

As most of you already know, I work for Random House Children's Books. This means that I have access to a lot of free books, and given all the time I spend on trains, you can imagine how much reading I get done. A lot. So every blog post will contain what I'm reading at the moment or close to that moment (many of the books are read are still in manuscript form, so I won't be writing about those until they're published).

On My Nightstand:
The Girl Who Played With Fire by Stieg Larrson. This is the sequel to The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo. It's incredible. I couldn't put either of them down. They're suspenseful, intriguing and disturbing (as a psych major I love disturbing plot lines). Both are murder mysteries and are so complex and detailed. I highly recommend these books. I believe the sequel comes out next week, so my advice to you is go out, pick up the first one now and grab the sequel once it comes out.

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