I narrowed down my options to pizza, cookies, and buying lunch. Giving up pizza is next to impossible for me. We live within walking distance of a pizza place, so I indulge at least once a week, sometimes more. It’s the cheapest option around and at least a little healthier than fast food. Giving up bought lunches would be silly since I rarely eat out anymore for lunch, so that left cookies. Good. Cookies. I can do that. I’ll eat cookies if they’re there, but I’m not a huge indulger (unlike my former roommate who used to wake up in the middle of the night with a cookie craving and would eat almost an entire bag in a sleepy stupor). Ok, so I’m a huge indulger if they’re Girl Scout Cookies – Samoas to be precise, but I can say no to just about any other cookie. And then I realized on Tuesday, one day before this ridiculous test of willpower was set to begin, that we still had almost an entire bag of double stuff Oreos in the pantry. That just would not do. Since Kurt has agreed (against his will) to join me in my Lenten fast, we had to figure out what to do about those cookies. We couldn’t have them sitting in the house for 40 days getting stale and throwing them out and wasting them was just out of the question. So, we did what any two people our position would: we finished the bag on Tuesday night. It was a tough job, but someone had to do it. Now, our pantry is wonderfully free of temptation. I understand we probably could have given them away, or fed them to the ducks on the lake, but this really was much more fun. Plus, I've found the best way to get rid of a craving for awhile is to overindulge to the point of being sick. Now, just thinking of Oreos makes me queasy.
Beautiful Thing, Day 23:
While browsing Apartment Therapy, I stumbled across a blog called Little Green Notebook by an amazing interior designer. So, for your beautiful thing of the day, you get a whole blog's worth of beautiful things. I love her style. So. Much. Color! I cannot wait to buy a house so I can
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