Tuesday, September 29, 2009

New Ban at Tufts

This weekend, I had my friend's 25th birthday party in Manhattan. We went to Lil' Frankie's near the nexus of the universe (1st and 1st for you non-Seinfeld watchers). Dinner was amazing. We had burrata with tomatoes and fried calamari for appetizers. I have a new appreciation for olives and the risotto with pancetta was incredible (Kurt thought it tasted like Campbell's chicken noodle soup, but I respectfully disagree). It was perfect. The restaurant was charming and warm and like almost all restaurants in Manhattan, incredibly small. It didn't bother me at all as a customer, but all I could think while we were eating was, God it would suck to work here. Teresa Caffe, where I work on Saturdays, is small enough, but this place would give me claustrophobia! Regardless of the size, the food was amazing.

Later that night, we went to a club - Sin Sin. This place was as disappointing as Lil' Frankie's was amazing. The music was awful - gangster rap (how are you supposed to dance to that?), it was crowded, narrow, and the dance floor was in the middle of a long room so that people had to walk through the throng of people dancing in order to get to the other side. The DJ was terrible - he actually played two, count them, TWO Will Smith songs in a row and added his own personal touch to the mix: "Yea! Yea!" "Don't forget to tip the bartenders!" "Sin Sin Saturday night!". He yelled these during every song.

Please check it out. It's hilarious. Tufts has now banned sex in the dorms while the other roommate is in the room. Seriously? Isn't that common sense? Or at least common courtesy? I mean, if these students are the types of people who would have sex with their roommate in the room, are they really the types of people who would listen to a school rule? I found myself laughing hysterically while reading this. Since when does banning sex for any reason work? Oh, the naivete of Tufts administrators, of all administrators really. It's sweet that they try, but what they should do is recommend students do what Amber recommends they do at the end of this article - respect their fellow classmates, leave a scarf tied on the door or send a courteous text to their otherwise unsuspecting roommate and maybe, just maybe, refrain from having sex with other people in the room!

On my nightstand:

I've had to put down The Lost Symbol for awhile. It's not because I don't like it, because I was LOVING it. It's because I have a very important book discussion on Thursday and had not picked up the book yet. Salman Rushdie is coming to our book discussion at work on Thursday. I am beside myself. We're reading (so I'm reading now) The Enchantress of Florence. It is incredible. Honestly, I was afraid it would be dense and heady and difficult to read. I've found it's the complete opposite. It is incredibly well written, as should be expected of a book by Salman Rushdie, but it's funny too and light with philosophical questions to ponder. I highly highly recommend it. It is wonderful and fittingly, enchanting.

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