Wednesday, January 25, 2012

PRK Update

Well, it's Wednesday and as it turns out, I didn't need to stress about having to choose between being blind and being deaf. I know you've all been waiting with bated breath for an update on my surgery. So here it is: I think the best adjective for this procedure is “surreal.” You lay on a table, fully awake, and watch them touch your eyes without being able to feel any of it. To keep from boring you all with surgery details, here are some highlights:

THE WORST PART (If you're thinking of getting this procedure done, you might not want to read this.)
There was the burning smell (ew.), there was the fear that froze my muscles so tense even the best of masseurs couldn’t have helped, there was the awful sensation of having my eyes taped open so I couldn’t blink, there was the taking out the protective lenses a few days after which I can only describe as “ripping off a bandage”, but the absolute worst part of the entire process was the ice cold water they poured on my eyes after the surgery was over. I now know what they mean by “water torture.” Since my eyes were numb, I couldn’t feel any of the other touching or brushing going on, but my lids were not numb, so when they poured ICE cold water over my eyes for a good 20 seconds each, I wanted to scream for mercy. I know it doesn’t sound bad, but believe me when I say it was the worst part. At that point, my eye was still taped open so I couldn’t blink or close my eye, which was the ONLY thing I wanted to do. It went on for so long that I almost begged them to stop.

I spent all of 6 days inside with the lights off, wearing sunglasses and listening to the TV. Oh. And I ate 2 entire boxes of girl scout cookies. By myself. Among other things.

It’s almost a week later and my vision is still blurry. Driving to work today was a harrowing experience and I’m sure it wasn’t much better for all the drivers sharing the road with me. Nighttime driving still to come. For the good of everyone on the road, I’m putting that off for as long as possible

For the next week, I have to wear goggles to bed so that I don’t rub my eyes in my sleep. Yes, I said goggles. So sexy, I know.

The 20/20 vision that I’m told will come soon.

In all seriousness, for anyone thinking of getting this procedure, it has already been worth it. The procedure isn’t bad (other than the ice cold water), the recovery was more about comfort level than pain, and my vision is already better. I'm doing fine and adjusting to life without glasses and contacts and according to my calculations, PRK will have paid for itself in 3 years. Not bad considering I'll probably get about 20 years of 20/20 vision before needing reading glasses. For all of you wondering whether or not I was crazy to buy laser eye surgery through Groupon, I can assure you my eyesight has not suffered from my miserly ways. Not yet at least.


  1. So glad to hear you're healing nicely! Let me know if you need anything!!

  2. Thanks Aubs! My vision gets more and more clear every day. It's pretty amazing. See you soon!
