Friday, November 11, 2011

Won't You Be My Neighbor?

Everyone has certain things, memories, people, places, that bring back warm, happy, childhood memories. Mr. Rogers is one of those things for me. And if you grew up in the States and were allowed to watch tv, chances are, he is for you too. (Unless you're Kurt who thinks, and swears he always thought, Mr. Rogers was creepy.) Watching television was allowed at my house, in moderation of course. Most of my memories are of playing outside with the neighborhood kids in all types of weather. But the tv was on, tuned to PBS or the Disney Channel, whenever I was inside. And I loved Mr. Rogers. I can't even begin to tell you the many things I learned watching his show. Even now, seeing old reruns brings me back to a simpler time when the biggest decision of the day was whether to play freeze tag or TV tag.

I came across this article today (thanks Ruth!) that only solidified my warm and fuzzy feelings toward that kindly be-cardiganed man. These days, it feels like we too often find that our childhood idols were less upstanding citizens and more flawed, dishonest people, nothing more than actors playing on our emotions. It's comforting to know that somone I admired and loved as a child was truly everything he seemed to be, and more. Let's face it, we could all stand to be a little more like Mr. Rogers, a little more neighborly.


  1. Such a great article! #5 is my favorite. I was convinced I loved him as a kid, but one day in high school when I went on my "Aw! Mr. Rogers is so great!" rant to my mom (you know, cause that's normal to begin with..), she looked at me in confusion and told me that I was scared of him as a child. Disappointing.

  2. hahahaha! I love it. How can you be afraid of Mr. Rogers?? Kurt still thinks he's creepy, but I just think he's just a grump. ;-) I think my favorite is #2, if it's true.
