Tuesday, January 10, 2012

A Few of My Favorite Things

I realized a few days ago that I've neglected to share with you my most recent favorite books. So, if you're looking for a new book, or even if you're not, here is a (fairly) quick listing of the books I've read as well as a couple songs I'm totally obsessed with at the moment. (Quick disclaimer: I do not fancy myself a musical genius, nor do a I have alternative tastes. The songs I like are typically mainstream, but that doesn't mean they aren't awesome.) But before we get to that (I'm sorry. I know you're waiting with bated breath), a few publishing friends of mine share this video on Facebook and I absolutely love it. I think it perfectly captures the imagination, beauty, and magic of a bookstore. Long live real books and real bookstores.

Previously on My Nightstand:
Is Everyone Hanging Out Without Me? (And Other Concerns) by Mindy Kaling: I cannot express to you how much I loved this book. I got this book for Christmas, started it the next day, and finished it four days later. I used every minute of free time I had to read this book. Mindy Kaling writes and produces for The Office, and most of you would recognize her as Kelly Kapoor. In this book, she is unabashedly honest, sweetly self-deprecating and all-out hilarious. It's not often I find a book that makes me laugh out loud and this one had me in stitches.

I Am Half-Sick of Shadows by Alan Bradley: This is the fourth book of the Flavia DeLuce Mysteries, which begin withs The Sweetness at the Bottom of the Pie, a book I've mentioned before. I love love love these books. They're all murder mysteries from the point of a view of a precocious eleven year old in 1950's England. I find Bradley's style of writing refreshing. It's fun and dark and somtimes silly. He somehow makes a murder, told from the point of view of a child, a fun read. Genius.

Situations Matter by Sam Sommers: This book is similar to Freakonomics or any Malcolm Gladwell book in that its subject matter is that of a text book, but it reads more like a fascinating, albeit nonfiction, novel. I picked it up precisely because it is written by one of my college professors (one who used clips from Seinfeld episodes to illustrate social psychological phenomena and who once brought a large traffic stoplight to time an in-class debate). Even if you hated Psych 101 in college, you will love this book. Sommers offers example after example of how situations influence how we see and respond to others. If nothing else, it will at least make you stop and reevaluate yourself the next time you yell less than appropriate words at a fellow driver, and help you to more successfully navigate challenging situations in your life.

On Repeat in My Car:
Run the World (Girls) cover, by Glee: Ok, yes. This is not a new or original song. It's not alternative or a great find. It's Glee. And I love Glee. This song and the one I'm about to mention (also from Glee) is on repeat in my car whenever I'm in it. Whenever I find a song I love, I play it over and over and over until I grow tired of it (aren't you glad we don't commute together?), but I'm not growing tired of this one anytime soon. It's a great girl-power song that makes me want to get some Master's degrees, maybe a PhD or two, and take over the world with an army of intelligent women.

Adele Medley by Glee: This medley is just perfect. I love Adele and as I've mentioned once or twice, I love Glee. This is the perfect marriage.

Set Fire to the Rain by Adele: See aforementioned declaration of love for Adele. 

We Owned the Night by Lady Antebellum: So far, I have loved every single song that this country band has put out and this one is no exception. Their voices are so beautiful, but it's their simple and sweet lyrics that get me.

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